Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Come Dream with Me and Find Your Sweet Spot!

Do you make time to nurture your dreams? Does it seem like there is not enough time in the day to add one more thing, and yet, your life is calling for something more?...

Sometimes we need to take a pause and step back and allow for some creative flow. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “doing” of everyday life that we no longer hear the whisperings of our soul calling us to take a few moments and listen—listen within.

I know this! I can easily get caught up in the many tasks of daily life and forget that I have bigger dreams. If I want to birth something new in my life, I have to take pause...step back...and give space for that something new to emerge. 

I have learned how important and precious this time can be to the quality of my life. And now, I want to offer sacred space for you to explore the possibilities in your life.

I became a licensed facilitator of The Dream Box Workshop® because I believe and have seen the benefits of allowing sacred space in your life—and the permission to dream big, not be attached to the results, and allow for new doors to open! 

I love this workshop because it allows for creative process to unfold for you in your unique way AND it helps you bring in the support, resources, and goal setting to get you on your way to actually achieving your dream. There is great power in dreaming and setting intention AND we have to take those first steps to create and manifest our dreams.

I love creating compassionate, nurturing space for others to tap into their creative process. I believe we all have creativity--it will manifest in your unique way! In the Dream Box workshop® you get to create a take-away Dream Box that will serve as a reminder of your process—and in your dream box will be supports and strengths to help you take your next steps. 

In the weeks that follow the workshop, we will schedule a follow up coaching call to support you—from a place of compassion and positivity—to keep you in touch with your dream and your goals.

We live in a world full of distractions. Innocently enough, the small stuff of our lives can overwhelm and keep us from focusing on our deeper truths. When we consciously choose to focus on what is important, on finding the authentic gifts we have to share with the world, we start to live from a deeper, richer place. And, support shows up, doors open where there were none before. We have to be willing to take that first step. 

If this resonates with you, take that step with me. My first Dream Box Workshop is scheduled for Friday, October 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. I am keeping the group small, so that you will have the space and time to explore what lies within. Come prepared to be nurtured, and to have fun, connection, and creative flow!

Cost: Only $65. Includes all supplies for creating your Dream Box and the follow-up coaching call.

To secure your spot, call me at 301-712-9015, x1022 or email therapywithpam@gmail.com.

The Dream Box Workshop® is a registered trademark of Jenn & Brian Creative, Inc. (DBA: Artizen Coaching). Learn more at artizencoaching.com.