Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer of Love, version 2.0

"Bee Mandala" in my garden

Welcome to The Summer of Love, version 2.0!

Happy Summer everyone! Have you noticed the moon rounding in the evening sky over the last few days? The evening sky in the Middletown Valley has been spectacular the last few nights with gorgeous streaks of red and purple and a bright, almost full moon. The moon turns full today on this first day of summer. The last time the full moon and summer solstice landed on the same day was in June 1967, heralding in the original "summer of Love."

Forty nine years later and we continue to need more emphasis on LOVE than ever. Yes, I am talking about BIG LOVE here--the unconditional-essence-of-who-we-are kind of Love! Let's intend for this summer 2016 to be one where love overcomes hate, fear, worry, shame, anger. Does this feel like an overwhelming task? Start close in, with your self, one breath at a time. I offer you this practice:

When events that seem to be outside of yourself--be it politics, terrorism, mass shootings, environmental arrogance, or whatever triggers you--seems too big, remember that you can pause. We have this power to pause and become aware! Ground yourself. Get in contact with something good in your life or something beautiful that you can gaze at for a few moments and use it to resource yourself. Feel the connection to the goodness, the beauty, the love and breathe it in and out for a few seconds.

Really notice what taking in this goodness is like in your whole being. How does your head feel? Your throat? Your chest? Your belly? Your feet and toes?

Breathe this goodness into your heart space in the center of your chest and breathe out compassion to all of the suffering you are feeling in this moment. Now, bless with your breath whatever is still triggering you by breathing it in (the upset, anger, sadness--whatever you are feeling) and breathing out deep compassion, love, peace. As you continue this practice, notice if the trigger lessens and that you come more into contact with the peace and stillness, the unconditional love that underlies all the thoughts and feelings around your trigger. Can you experience the underlying peace?

We learn with this practice that we not separate from the "good" or the "bad" that we see "out there" in the world...all of our experiences, thoughts, and feelings arise in us and with deep looking we learn that what triggers us the most is something or some aspect that we have been unable to accept in ourselves. It is time to liberate our shadows; time to shine the light of our own awareness on what we reject in ourselves. Our world begs for this compassionate, heart-centered healing work. As we become more whole within, it is reflected in our outer world.

How wide can we open our hearts in this Summer of Love? I invite you to post your awakenings/realizations/knowings that arise over the summer on my Facebook page @therapywithpam.

To help support you on your heart-opening journey this summer, I am offering a summer meditation class at The Center of The Four Winds yoga studio (see below):

"Sunflower Heart"

Heart Journey Meditation Class 

At The Center of the Four Winds Studio/The Unschool of Yoga
125 S. Carroll Street, Frederick, MD

Some parking available in the rear of the building. Street metered parking in front of the building is also available.

Starting June 21 and continuing on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

This is a mid-day opportunity to dive deep into your Heart and to allow for full embodiment of your meditation practice.

I am delighted to offer a meditation class with gentle movement at my favorite yoga studio this summer. Rose Ma Sincevich's Center of the Four Winds Studio offers a spacious, sacred space to practice. Plenty of blankets, mats, and props are available on site. I invite you to join me.

Fee: This class is offered as "pay as you can." A suggested range for this class is $10-20. Please give as you feel guided. 100% of your donation supports The Unschool of Yoga, a local nonprofit.

Questions? Please email me at or call at 301-712-9015, x1022.

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